Friday, July 17, 2009


TRUE STORY:  I've been in local radio advertising sales for over 13 years making an incredible income working in the #2 revenue market of Los Angeles.  This is a commission sales job that has earned me a six figure income for over the past 10 years.  Things were great until regulators allowed big companies like CBS & Clear Channel to own more than four stations in a market which killed format creativity along with the rise of internet marketing which reduced the advertising dollars spent on radio.  Sales reps like myself had to evolve into selling multi-platform ad campaigns that included radio along with the limited reach of our "radio" websites and email databases to increase or sustain our ad share.  
   In 2008 my job was becoming increasingly difficult because of the popularity of internet marketing.  After a year of sales meetings focused on the loss of market share due to the web, my employer (Radio One) sold the station, handed me a thank you letter and severance for my years of service. To top it all off, shortly after that my marriage of 7 years came to an end with two boys ages 7 & 10 months to raise as a single parent.
Instead of trying to get another radio sales job I decided to expand on my experience in internet marketing and found  "makegooglefastcash"!  I never thought working from home could be so rewarding!  I'm really enjoying sharing this wonderful opportunity, I'm making great money & I have time to spend with my kids and as a single dad that is the best part!   I've learned that you can't let obstacles get in your way no matter what.  Take the next step and reward yourself!

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